Thought Leadership Studio Podcast Episodes:

A Tale of Two Subwoofer Companies

Episode One: a real life story about strategic thought leadership and its use in marketing


#marketing, #marketingstrategy, #marketresearch, #music, #thoughtleadership, #thoughtleadershipmarketing

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A true-life story of bringing music more fully to life in my home with a new subwoofer purchase.

I narrowed it to 2 companies:

1 company, who will remain unnamed, followed me with ads.

The other, Rythmik , showcased the benefits of their unique technology, presented with certain aspects of what I have come to call a Thought Leadership Position.

And that made all the difference. I think my story can help marketers, leaders, business owners, professionals, influencers and entrepreneurs see the difference from the customer perspective ... since about 85% of people research online before a (even offline) major purchase, we have an opportunity to serve their research needs and empower them while separating what we offer or present. It’s about creatively helping them challenge assumptions, move their thinking, and come to embrace our unique position and all it can do for them.

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Written by Chris McNeil, Strategic Thought Leadership NLP Coach and Consultant, Founder of Thaut, host of Thought Leadership Studio podcast, and Creator of the Thaut Process of Strategic Thought Leadership.

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